Interpretable Complex-Valued Neural Networks for Privacy Protection
Xiang, etc. (2020). "Interpretable Complex-Valued Neural Networks for Privacy Protection" ICLR 2020.
Xiang, etc. (2020). "Interpretable Complex-Valued Neural Networks for Privacy Protection" ICLR 2020.
Zhang, etc. (2021). "Interpreting Multivariate Shapley Interactions in DNNs" AAAI 2021.
Zhang, etc. (2021). "Interpreting and Boosting Dropout from a Game-Theoretic View" ICLR 2021.
Deng, etc. (2022). "Discovering and Explaining the Representation Bottleneck of DNNs" ICLR 2022.
Ma, etc. (2022). "Quantification and Analysis of Layer-wise and Pixel-wise Information Discarding" ICML 2022.
Talk at UC San Francisco, Department of Testing, San Francisco, California
Tutorial at UC-Berkeley Institute for Testing Science, Berkeley CA, USA
Talk at London School of Testing, London, UK
Conference proceedings talk at Testing Institute of America 2014 Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA